EOS-Trading Suite
EOS-Trading Suite (ETS) provides the advanced functionality required to meet your requirements all from a single platform.
Trading Gateway
Manage "multiple" inbound trading sessions
Fundamental business validations
Custom fields support
Message sequencing and recovery support
Throttling support
Cancel-on-Disconnect support
Online-standby redundancy support
Standard order request and execution reports
FIX protocol support
Market Gateway
Manage "multiple" outbound trading sessions with the exchanges
Online-online redundancy support
Order, execution and trade reporting support
FIX protocol support
Arrowhead protocol support
Order Management
Order Manager
Sequencer to ensure deterministic
Parent-child order hierarchy support
Order validation and enrichment
Order and execution status maintenance
Audit trail
Flexible order handling per algorithm associated with the order
Online-standby redundancy support
Smart Router
Make routing decisions based on consolidated market view
Ping, Spray and Post operations support with flexible configuration
Short-sell monitoring
Configuable routing strategy for price cap and market priority
Online-standby redundancy support
Market Data
Market Data Feeder
Manage connection sessions with the market data sources
Process inbound data in real-time
Convert and send normalized data to the message bus
Book building
Throttling support
Online-standby or Online-online redundancy support depending on the feed
ITCH & RFA support
Market Data Publisher
Multicast feed with recovery support
Convert normalized data received from the message bus to specific format
Flow control and throttling support
Online-online redundancy support
ITCH & RFA protocol support
Consolidate raw pricing from different sources in memory
Maintain computed/calculated data based on customized rules in real-time upon updates of raw pricing
Publish based on subscription
Snapshot and tick-by-tick request support
Throttling support
Online-online redundancy support
Matching Engine
Sequencer to ensure deterministic
Continuous matching based on Price-Time priority and additional configurable criteria
Real-time pricing monitoring
Limit and Pegged Order support
Support for Good for Day (GFD), Immediate or Cancel (IOC) and Fill or Kill (FOK)
Self-Trade-Prevention, Minimum Execution Quantity support
High throughput of 100,000+ order requests/second
Low latency, < 10us per order request processing
Online-standby redundancy support
User Interface
UI Agent
Maintain sessions with all GUI connections
Authentication and authorization services
Relay requests and responses between backend processes and GUI
Business Validations
Online-online redundancy and load-balancing support
Support Websocket and REST API
Trader Station
User-friendly and high performance GUI
Order blotter, real-time order and execution monitoring
Real-time market data
Alert Management
Order History and Audit Trail
Workspace Management
Recovery Support

Our Platform supports a wide range of high performance technologies
RedHat, CentOS
Message Bus
Confinity LLM, Informatica UM, Aeron
10GB, Solarflare OpenOnLoad
LMAX disruptor, object pools
SBE, FIX, ITCH, OUCH, Reuters Foundation API